Comprehensive Concrete Solutions

Whatever your project, accuracy and efficiency in concrete laying, pouring or pumping is essential. Enviromix offers comprehensive concrete solutions,

catering to domestic, commercial, and industrial needs. 

Concrete Pouring

Enviromix provide concrete pouring services for domestic, commercial, and industrial projects. Whether your project involves a small garage slab or the foundation of a large-scale commercial or industrial site, volumetric concrete mixing provides clear benefits compared to traditional drum mixers, ensuring the flexibility for your specific needs.

Laying Service

Regardless of your project size, precise quantity and the right mix are vital. Enviromix caters to internal and external requirements, offering an efficient, cost-effective laying solution for commercial, industrial, and domestic needs, such as car parks, slabs, and internal floors.

Barrowing Service

When pouring or pumping isn't feasible, concrete barrowing becomes the go-to choice. Enviromix provides a free barrowing service upto 30 metres on level ground, ensuring precise concrete placement for projects of all sizes, whether residential or industrial, with unmatched accuracy and efficiency.

Concrete Pumping

Where areas are inaccessible or elevated, traditional concrete laying and pouring methods may not suffice. Enviromix use specialised equipment to pump concrete, which also helps to reduce manual labour requirements, and ensures greater accuracy. The team’s expertise ensures a seamless concrete pumping service.

For all your concrete needs

Whatever the size or scope of your project, we can help. Contact a member of the team today on 07717 892996.

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